What services does ICP-TEAMS Provide?


ICP-TEAMS recognizes the importance of not only studying but having someone available for each students or parents when additional help is necessary.

Test Prep

ICP-TEAMS has the best all-around program and counselors for our students, and we do not partner with just anyone offering services.


ICP-TEAMS wants to ensure you focus on a major as soon as possible, rather than following your latest interest.

Are you a College

bound student?

Meet Our Partners


Lisa Cook

“They have exceeded our expectations because of the level of service they provide.”

ICP-Teams has been a Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) approved vendor for tutorial services for close to two years. I can’t put into words how much we appreciate their partnership and service to our children. They have exceeded our expectations because of the level of service they provide. One of the most important elements of their service delivery model is relationship building. I can place them in any school, and they will build strong collaborative relationships with all stakeholders including students, parents, community members, site coordinators, principals, and more. The bond is so strong that students look forward to tutoring every day and rarely miss a day. Students know their tutors by name and look forward to sharing all about their day with their tutors. Beyond the relationship building, they offer tutorial services that meet students where they are and grow them towards proficiency, and beyond. Since our partnership with ICP Teams, we have begun to close the achievement gap created by the Pandemic, and we are certain that this gap will soon be non-existent with their continued support. We have close to twenty-five tutorial companies we work with, yet ICP Teams is one of the most requested companies in CMS. ICP Teams is a tremendous asset to our school district and as ESSER funding closes out next year, we are already planning on ways to sustain this partnership beyond 2024.

Doris Chisholm - CMS Federal Programs

“Very supportive of our students, families, and schools”

We have the pleasure of working with Educational Management Group, LLC with our Out of School Time Tutoring (OSTT) Initiative. Educational Management Group, LLC is very supportive of our students, families, and schools. Educational Management Group, LLC collaborates with school staff, families, and district personnel on best instructional strategies to ensure all students receive what they need to be successful academically, mentally, and socially in order to be productive citizens in society. The expertise, compassion, and willingness of their staff to go the extra mile shows in their interaction with all stakeholders. Educational Management Group, LLC is an asset not only to our school district but to any school district that needs support with being effective with increasing the academics of students.

I would like to say thank you to ICP-Teams, and your incredible leadership. My son Nick and I have been extremely pleased with the support that he has received during this overwhelming period in his life; navigating through the completion of senior year with SAT, ACT, College, and Scholarship application deadlines. Your team of counselors has made this Educational Planning experience, the best one for our family. We are very thankful for all that ICP-Teams has provided to us, and look forward to sharing our experience with every student and family around the world.

Nick Abraham
Music and Performing Arts

ICP-TEAMS has helped me with my confidence. I am asking more questions to make sure I am understanding in class. I am more independent and believing in my goals. I am thinking about my future more than ever and know with hard work it can be awesome. It has been a great program for me.

Boston Merritt

ICP-TEAMS has really helped me to develop my education…with constant support

Computer Science

I’m so thankful for ICP-TEAMS and all of the great people involved. Test prep was really crucial for me to save money for college


ICP-TEAMS has been an absolutely amazing experience for me. I know all of my top colleges. Getting help with testing and tutoring even in my AP classes

Kainat Ali

ICP-TEAMS has helped with assignments, homework, and projects


You inspired me to excel in areas I was Inadequate in and showed me how to use my strengths to my advantage


The Program is personal..you are able to be one-on-one with people who want to help you…and they’re super nice and understanding!

Pre-Med Student

It is with great pleasure that I write this letter to recommend ICP Teams. I have witnessed their services embrace and assist students during the most challenging high school experiences. From an educator’s standpoint, I find the services that they provide exceptional in terms of customization and success.

When it comes to testing and acceptance rate proficiency, ICP-teams undeniably meet the mark. They have a proven track record of growth in testing for their students. In addition to this, they currently have a 100% college acceptance rate. I strongly believe in ICP-teams and what they have to offer students.

Christa Tompkins
English Teacher

It is with much enthusiasm that I recommend ICP TEAMS. Working in Housing and Residence Life at Shawnee State University, we work hand in hand with students who are readying themselves for college during their high school years. ICP TEAMS offers families the services and resources that they need and deserve to assure their students are supported and are pursuing their dreams and passion.

I have been quite impressed with this outstanding organization, and give ICP TEAMS my highest recommendation. Please feel free to contact me for further information or perspective.

Sthefany Thomas
Residence Coordinator

I just want to take a moment to speak about ICP-Teams.  ICP-TEAMS has been a great fit for our entire family.  Both of our children have found guidance and support navigating their different positions in the college preparations and planning processes.

High school parents have a lot of responsibility when it comes to planning for college.  ICP-Teams really helped to lift that weight for us.  ICP-Teams allowed us the flexibility and knowledge to be able to affordably send both of our children to college while setting them up for success in their careers.

Ellen and Herschel Berris
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